Blunt Blade

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Blunt Blade is the nickname of a certain knight whose blade was everything but blunt. Once used, however, the nickname stuck to the knight like a virile leech to a lass's shapely buttock.

It is said that Blunt Blade travelled east, east and east again and that is where he brought his weapon from. The sword was, unlike most swords known to the people of the time, single edged and slightly curved. The people of the time, you see, preferred the ability to hack with either side of a blade; talking about its shape, straight was considered simple and effective enough.

Still, none could deny the effectiveness of Blunt Blade's blade. It allowed its wielder to cut a superman in half with a single move of the wrist.

Blunt Blade did not wear proper armour. He was happy with a pair of brown, leather trousers and a white shirt. During winter, he stayed indoors or let his imagination and creativity work on the problem of keeping warm. His feet never said bye to heavy black boots that he held particular liking for. Well, almost never.