Harmonized strings of the lute were being played under the moonlight in Ab'dendriel.


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Dazzling elven lights decorated the bridges that formed a square above us, our music easily becoming the most notable aspect of the setting. Strangely I couldn't tell if everyone was fixated on our sound or if they were hoping we'd stop sometime soon, but knowing the other lute player and my brother on the drums, I had little hope of escaping the situation any time soon. Thankfully a short break between tunes was coming and I could light another cigarette filled with the finest elven weeds.

After the band was done playing I followed the other lute player to my room in the underground tunnels. He pulled out a wooden pipe and stuffed something in it, something that was obviously not tobacco.

"Wanna go on a journey?" He asked me intensely, his eyes fixed on mine. I rose an eyebrow and thought about this, already feeling paused in time from the elven bud.

"What is it?"

"A dream." I laughed. I had heard of this plant growing somewhere in the south that gave people connections to a spiritual world, that or freaked them out really bad. Having encountered it once before and finding it most unimpressive if not completely useless, I took it with little thought.

Exhaled one puff of smoke and then took in another and held it as long as I could. My band mate asked If I was feeling anything. I responded by telling him I felt like I was kind of sinking into my seat. He smiled.

"Yeah most people say they feel like their getting pulled." This wasn't very comforting, and all of a sudden, even though he claims he never moved, I could have sworn he jumped to his feet took my sight and threw it into the wall, where something like a vortex was trying to suck me and the entire room into it. I could see everything swaying and melting into the new gravitational pull of the world and I knew that if I let myself go I would be sucked into a place where my band mate and his fellow clowns would get me. they were going to get me in some horrible way, I could tell by the way they looked and acted, even though I never saw these clowns once.

I cringed my face and tore my gaze away from this distorted, melting world and beamed at my band mate, who was still sitting on my couch and had never moved. In only seconds I had gone from talking and chilling with my band mate to thinking he was waiting for me in an alternate universe with a clown posse.

As if by instinct I grabbed a tobacco filled cigarette and put it between my lips. I tried to light it with my Tibian Match and was taken back by what I saw. The entire cigarette was changing shape, wavering and becoming almost square and circular and almost acting like a snake, the flame was dancing around the paper and coming toward my fingers.

I was freaking out. Immediatly I jumped to my feet and ran for the door, climbing the stairs without any thought whatsoever and exploding out the door and into the night's fresh air. All I could do was repeat "Oh my God" and pace in circles. However, I heard something walking in the darkness and my cigarette was still changing shape, I couldn't tell if I was smoking it or not, instead I couldn't escape this feeling of being pulled. For some reason i ran back to my room.

When I got to my basement room I looked to the windows and was once again shocked. Water was flooding my room, only to my horror it was no longer flooding, but draining into an underwater world that wanted me. It wanted me to stop grasping the table so that I would be swept into the depths of Ariel and Erseluh.

I screamed, I laughed until I cried, in less then four minutes of a dreamworld I snapped out of it. No vortex, no clown posse, no water. Just my band mate laughing at me.