Reinvigorate your Tibian game!

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Feeling bored doing the same thing over? Feel like being bored with not much to do with your environment? Wanna try something new and meet new people in the process?!

Hi im Nymet and a proud sponser of "How to reinvigorate your tibian game + bring out the Role playing factor in it!" with just 5 easy steps you will find yourself playing an almost new game!

1.NO AMBIENT LIGHTING! Thats right folks know that option that you probably have at 100%? Turn that down to 0% and experience the darkness, the frightfulness, and the unknown! This will bring out the fun use of torches and light spells as you venture unknown dungeons as you once did back before the 8.0 update!

2.NO HP BARS! Probably don't know this but by hitting ctrl+N you can eliminate both HP bars and names over characters and monsters alike! The unknown of "God how many more hits till this dragon falls!" will get your blood pumping as you battle it out as each battle was your last! It also serves as a great way to meet people whom youv never seen before via clothes!

3.DONT BE YOURSELF! Well most people do this already, but what im referring to is act like a Tibian NPC! that's right use Tibian lingo like you lived in that city! You meet tons of people as they will be interested as why you do such a thing!

4.GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE! This is referring to searching new areas which you know nothing about! That's right no maps from the Tibian wiki or friends, take the time to search and discover the caves as your ancestors once have! Who knows what you will discover!

5.HAVE FUN! Simple, dont just play to hit that next lv! Take your time and enjoy each and every Tibia experience you learn at its finest as you meet new friends and new foes!

If you find any these 5 steps that really gave you a good feeling and newness to tibia, guess what? They were there the whole time! You can learn more steps by buying the "How to reinvigorate your tibian game + bring out the Role playing factor in it!" book for only 30 gps and only on the Shanera server! Sales only through me!