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                                                                     Soul Points and Stamina
  Tibia coins and Stamina are the only characteristics that will not increase while leveling up your character. In addition to mana your character needs soul point to cast rune spells or certain other spells or certain other spells which are used to magically items such as ammunition or food. The maximum of soul points is 100 for normal characters, and 200 for promoted ones. If you gain experience point that equal at least your character level for one kill, you obtain soul points for a while.
  For example,If you are a level 10character and have Tibia Platinum. You would need to kill a monster that gives you at least 10 experience points, e.g. a snake you have killed alone. From that kill on, your soul points will be restored for 4 minutes. Normal characters will regain 1 soul point every 2 minutes; promoted characters will restore 1 soul point every 15 seconds. Characters also obtain one soul point for every 15 minutes they are sleeping in a bed.
  The counter for your stamina indicates the time that is left until a character is too tired to gain experience while hunting. Characters can hunt for up to 42 hours before they no longer gain experience points. For the last hour, your character needs to be logged off for 12 minutes to regain 1 minute of its stamina. Please note and the tibia gp of antagonist. However, that stamina only starts to regenerate after you have been logged off for 10 minutes.