This is an excellent zone for gaining a few levels at this level range

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Badlands (35-45): The Badlands entry is in the south of Loch Modan. As horde, your travel path to Loch Modan would be Arathi Highlands >> Wetlands >> Loch Modan. (Take the tunnel from wetlands to loch, SE of Wetlands)

There are a lot of Tibia coins quests from 35-40 for both factions here, and many of them are quite easy. This is an excellent zone for gaining a few levels at this level range. One quest chain is of extra interest as it rewards you a clickable trinket with a 10 second run speed boost.

To do this one, you’re going to need a Gyrotomaton (Engineering) and a Frost Oil (Alchemy). You might find those in the auction house, or maybe you can get someone to make them.

The quest starts off east of kargath (Horde town in the northwest), in a small camp with two gnomes in it. Alliance players will find similar quests at their own entry to the zone, which lies north of the Alterac Mountains.

Complete the following quests:

Quest: Coolant Heads Prevail Quest: Gyro... What? Quest: Study of the Elements: Rock part 1, 2, 3. This is going to be Hard. Once you’ve done all that, you’ll get the trinket. It is nice for escaping sticky situations.